Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Where have I been!?

Right here! lol Very busy trying to take the business to the next level, trying to be sure the kids finish school on a good note, trying to manage the every day items of life that seem so overwhelming at times, but always joyous. Plus, I've been on twitter. A lot. lol I've actually cut back lately, but still it is there. I joined because someone said it would be good for business, but I've mainly been chatting. lol I admit it.

I have been storing up things to blog about. As I prepare for the new school year and all the challenges of having a high schooler and (gulp) a junior high schooler, I find myself anxious to get back to the routines of life, and establish new routines. If you think about it, it's the routines that keep life and all its surprises going. We have to have the basics - food, shelter, clothing, God. I find if I have those things in order, I can cope with anything that comes along. Well, we have food, shelter, and clothing. But lately, my time with God has been decreasing and decreasing. Now, it's at an unacceptable level. So, it's time to regroup and get back to those things that keep the rest in check.

Today, I have to realistically look at my schedule and figure out how to make it work. I'm not willing to reduce my committments because I know that I am supposed to be doing these things. But I am going to reduce my "committments" to my time wasters. ***and now, while I'm typing this, my handsome husband just emailed me asking me to plot out how to accomplish the goals I have for this month. lol*** You know what time wasters I'm talking about. For me, it's TV, twitter, and texting. True, I can do some of that while I'm melting wax or stuff like that, but they need to take more of a back seat. (this is kind of ironic since an upcoming post is on a couple TV shows. lol) My time with God needs to be in the driver's seat - Bible reading, Bible study and prayer. The rest of the schedule will fill in.

Well, I'm on my way to get more work done. I have some exciting things coming up. I can't wait to talk some more to everyone. I've been reading blogs and trying to stay current. I'll have scheduled blog time now, so I'll be able to keep things even more straight. At least, with prayer, that's the plan.

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